Warren Stevens
Barbara Bouchet
Stewart Moss
Robert Fortier
Lt. Shea
Carl Byrd
Leslie Dalton
Yeoman Leslie Thompson
Julie Cobb
response to a distress call, a landing party from the Enterprise has beamed
down to a planet's surface but cannot detect any signs of life. Eventually,
two readings are picked up by Yeoman Thompson which prove to be a humanoid
male and female who approach the party. The man orders Kirk to surrender
the Enterprise to him. On Kirk's refusal the alien couple operate belt-mounted
controls which leave the landing party paralysed. The aliens, called Rojan
and Kalinda, identify themselves as Kelvans from the neighbouring Andromeda
galaxy. Rojan tells Kirk that he is now in control and any attempts at
resistance will be severely dealt with. He also warns them that they will
soon be leaving the galaxy and that they must face the end of their existence,
as they know it.
The Enterprise team is released after Kalinda removes their weapons. Rojan
continues to explain that they have been sent as a scout party to take
over this galaxy as their own is becoming uninhabitable. They need the
Enterprise as their own ship was destroyed coming through the barrier
surrounding the galaxy and plan to modify the ship's engines to enable
them to make the return trip, which will take about 300 years. While he
is talking, three other Kelvans materialise aboard the Enterprise and
quickly gain control of the ship. One of them, Hanar, beams back down
to report to Rojan.
The landing party is incarcerated in a nearby cave, modified to be a prison
cell. Spock uses his Vulcan telepathic abilities to lure Kalinda to them
where they overpower her and remove her control belt. They manage to get
outside but are stopped by Rojan who punishes them by reducing two of
their members into small, multifaceted chalk-like blocks. He tells them
that the blocks are what remains of the humans after they have been reduced
to their basic elements, picks one up and crushes it to pieces in his
hand. Hanar restores the undamaged block back into human form but the
crushed block, which was Yeoman Thompson, cannot be revitalised.
They are returned to thecell cave where Spock analyses the images he received
while in mental contact with Kalinda's mind , telling Kirk that he received
the impression of massive creatures with hundreds of limbs and believes
that this is the Kelvans' true appearance. He surmises that they have
adopted humanoid form in order to be able to use the Enterprise. Spock
puts himself into a self-induced trance and McCoy persuades the Kelvans
to allow him to take Spock to sickbay on board the Enterprise. The Kelvans
eventually transport the rest of the party back aboard and Kirk makes
his way to sickbay where he learns that Scotty and Spock have found a
means of 'jamming' the power source on the Kelvans' belts.
On making their way to engineering, Spock and Scotty find that they cannot
get at the Kelvan machinery that is modifying the ship's engines. Instead,
they open the control valves in the matter / antimatter chamber, reporting
to Kirk that the ship can be destroyed on his order when it reaches the
edge of the galaxy, but Kirk decides against this option. After passing
through the galactic barrier, the Kelvans reduce all non-essential personnel
to the chalk-like block condition, leaving only Kirk, Scotty, Spock and
McCoy to help run essential functions. From a Kelvan called Tomar they
discover that the aliens are unused to the human sensations that they
have been forced to adopt along with the bodies and Kirk sees an opportunity,
ordering the others to find as many ways of 'stimulating' the Kelvan senses
as possible.
Scotty gets friendly with Tomar and takes him to his quarters where he
plies him with powerful Saurian brandy. McCoy prescribes a course of injections
for Hanar after telling him that his human body looks unwell, and Kirk
turns his attentions towards Kalinda. He apologises to her for his previous
behaviour and demonstrates the 'human' way of saying sorry by kissing
her. Kirk quickly leaves when Rojan walk in on the pair of them. Later,
while playing chess with Rojan, Spock suggests that his lack of concentration
on the game is due to jealousy. Rojan forcefully disagrees but goes to
Kalinda and tells her to stop fraternising with Kirk and the other humans,
grabbing her violently when she refuses to obey.
Kalinda gets Kirk alone and asks him to kiss her again. Meanwhile, McCoy's
course of injections has made Hanar very argumentative and irritable and
the Kelvan is confined to quarters by Rojan when his orders are questioned.
Scotty enjoys a different sort of success, reducing Tomar to drunken unconsciousness,
but he is too drunk himself to leave his quarters. Rojan finds Kirk and
Kalinda together in the rec room where Kirk goads him into starting a
fight. He fairly easily manages to pin Rojan down, telling him that they
are already becoming human and that their descendants will be completely
alien to their own kind when they get back to Kelva in 300 years time.
Rojan thinks about this and agrees, returning control of the Enterprise
and accepting Kirk's offer of Federation help if his people come in peace.
