Richard Daystrom
William Marshall
Commodore Robert Wesley
Barry Russo
Ensign Harper
Sean Morgan
Voice of the M-5 computer
James Doohan
U.S.S. Enterprise has been selected to take part in some war game exercises
in which Kirk's vessel is to be put under the command of a new type of
computer called the M-5. The inventor, Dr. Richard Daystrom, arrives on
board the Enterprise where, after a briefing meeting, Scotty is ordered
to connect the machine despite his concern that the previous four prototypes
had proved to be failures. The M-5 is allowed to control the Enterprise
on its way to the testing area where Kirk resumes command. Daystrom and
Spock talk him into transferring complete command to the unit and Scotty
immediately reports that it is shutting systems down all over the ship.
Daystrom tells him that this is normal as the Enterprise is only operating
with a skeleton crew and M-5 is conserving power for its own consumption.
Two vessels are detected by the ship's sensors and identified as the starships
Lexington and Excalibur. Commodore Wesley, commanding the Lexington, advises
that this is an unscheduled test and a mock battle follows which M-5 wins
easily, despite being outnumbered, due to its ability to react to situations
more quickly than its human opponents. Kirk is disconsolate at the machine's
success and McCoy visits him in his quarters to console and reassure him.
Spock reports another vessel sighting which proves to be an unmanned ore
carrier called the Woden.
M-5 goes to battle alert and, despite attempts to disconnect it, destroys
the freighter. The machine has protected itself with a force field and
a crewman is sent to cut the power but is electrocuted, which Daystrom
insists is purely an accident.A meeting is held where Spock puts forward
a plan to activate a manual override from relays on level three, which
he and Scotty proceed to carry out. Daystrom is completely against removing
M-5 from command leading McCoy to suggest to Kirk that he may be tampering
with the unit. Kirk insists that they must regain control of the ship
before it reaches the next designated war game area.
Daystrom tries to stop Scotty and Spock from carrying out their task and
has to be restrained by Kirk. They complete the job but find that M-5
has fooled them by re-routing the controls and leaving the circuits they
were working on live to make them think that they were active. Under questioning,
Daystrom reveals that M-5 thinks like a human as it has human engrams
impressed on its circuits. The Enterprise reaches the war game zone and
is approached by four starships. Kirk and the others watch helplessly
as M-5 raises shields and fires the phasers, scoring hits on the unsuspecting
Lexington and Excalibur.
Fifty-three people are killed in the attack and Wesley contacts the Enterprise
ordering them to break off the attack. M-5 fires on the U.S.S. Potemkin
before turning its attentions back to the Excalibur, which it destroys.
Spock suggests that Daystrom tries to communicate with the machine as
it is his engrams which are impressed on the unit's circuits. He does
so, but M-5 dismisses his arguments by saying that it was only trying
to defend itself. Daystrom becomes increasingly irrational and has to
be subdued by Spock with a Vulcan neck pinch when Kirk tells him that
the unit will have to be destroyed. Meanwhile, Wesley on the Lexington
has received orders to stop the Enterprise at all costs, destroying the
ship if necessary.
Kirk desperately engages the machine in a theological discussion, telling
it that it has broken the laws of man and God. The unit accepts Kirk's
reasoning and agrees with him that it must be punished. It immediately
shuts down, leaving the Enterprise wide open to attack. Scotty and Spock
manage to restore some control before the Lexington approaches to attack
but cannot restore communications in time. Kirk orders the ship's shields
to be dropped, leaving the Enterprise defenceless. Wesley takes a chance
on it being a trick and calls off the attack, much to Kirk's relief. When
Spock enquires how he knew that Wesley wouldn't press home the attack
Kirk tells him that he hoped Wesley would show compassion which, McCoy
observes, is the one thing that a machine could never have done.
