Sixties Index Page
Sixties Inventions Innovations and Discoveries
Sixties Inventions Innovations and Discoveries

Contrary to time-distorted opinion, not everyone was on drugs, ensconced in hippie communes, protesting against the bomb or attending an endless series of music festivals and concerts in a flower-covered Volkswagen camper. Historians have described the Sixties as the decade having the most epochal changes in history. It was the decade of non-dairy creamer, computers and walking on the moon. The youth of the Baby Boom had a fondness for change and modern gadgets that resonates in the way we live today.

The Sixties saw incredible inventions, brilliant innovations, exciting discoveries and the bringing to the masses of the culmination of many years of research. Although now taken much for granted, many of these currently shape the world in which we live or paved the way for further research and development. In many cases, the development period was protracted or there is a differential between the actual 'year' of invention or discovery and the granting of patents or approved marketing for public use. I don't feel the need to get into discussions regarding the actual dates, so I'll just list some of the items for your interest, in no particular order, and let you carry out further investigation for yourselves should you wish to do so . . . . .

Sixties General News Events by Year:

1960 News and Events
1961 News and Events
1962 News and Events
1963 News and Events
1964 News and Events
1965 News and Events
1966 News and Events
1967 News and Events
1968 News and Events
1969 News and Events

Halogen Lamp - The halogen light lamp was invented by General Electric engineer Fredrick Moby

Laser - Physicist Theodore H. Maiman perfected the laser at the Hughes Research Laboratory in Malibu, California

Hologram - The first hologram, using lasers, was devised in 1962 by Yuri Denisyuk in the Soviet Union and by Emmett Leith
and Juris Upatnieks at the University of Michigan

Pacemaker - The heart pacemaker was introduced to the USA by Wilson Greatbatch

Weather Satellite - The first weather satellite was launched into orbit by the USA - Tiros I

Deep Submersible - The submersible 'Trieste' descended nearly seven miles to the bottom of the Marianas Trench, the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean. The journey down to the ocean floor took five hours.

Smell-O-Vision - Hollywood producer Mike Todd Jr. released the film "Scent of Mystery," which featured a special technology that added aromas to scenes - Smell-O-Vision

Birth Control Pill - The birth control pill (Enovid) was approved by the FDA and marketed in the USA and UK

Video Surveillance - London Transit installed the first video surveillance system at a London Transit Station and four hidden CCTV cameras were placed by Liverpool Police in the city's centre

M.O.T. Test - The M.O.T. test for vehicles over 10 years old was introduced in the UK in 1960

Travelator - The first 'travelator' opened at Bank underground station

Cordless Drill - Black and Decker released its first cordless drill, but designers couldn't get more than 20 watts from its NiCd batteries

Cochlear Implant - The cochlear implant - a 'bionic ear' - was developed by William F. House. This was a surgically implanted electronic device that provided a sense of sound to a person who was profoundly deaf or severely hard of hearing

Ultrasound Scanning - Ultrasound was invented in Australia by scientists at the Commonwealth Health Department

Identikit - The police 'identikit' was launched

Letraset - Letraset art lettering was developed

Hatchback Car
- The Renault 4 was the first 'hatchback' car in 1961

Videotape Recorder - Sony marketed a helical scan videotape recorder

Carousel Slide Projector
- The Carousel Projector was developed to aid lecturers

Time Share Computer
- The time-sharing computer was developed

Fibre Tip Pen - The fibre-tip pen was invented in Japan by Masao Miura and Yukio Horie

Gaming Console - Magnavox Odyssey, the first gaming console, completed by Ralph H. Baer in 1968

Computer Game - Spacewar, the first computer video game, was invented

Breast Implant
- Dow Corporation invented silicone breast implants

Teletext - Teletext was first demonstrated - launched in the UK by the BBC as CEEFAX in 1972

Skateboard - Skateboards were invented

Polaroid Film
- Polaroid instant film and cameras developed by Edwin Land were first marketed

Smiley - Harvey Ball created the 'smiley' logo in 1963

ZIP Postcode - ZIP Codes were introduced in the USA

Geosynchronous Satellite
- Syncom, the world's first geosynchronous satellite, was put into orbit by NASA

Instant Replay - The slow motion 'instant replay' was developed by Tony Verna of CBS in 1963
Instamatic - Instamatic cameras with drop-in cartridges were introduced in 1963

Tape Recorder - Sony offered an open-reel videotape recorder for home use

Acrylic Paint - Acrylic paint became commercially available pioneered by Lancelot Ribeiro

Permanent Press Fabric - DMDHEU, a chemical agent for permanent-press fabric was invented

BASIC - BASIC (an early computer language) was invented by John George Kemeny and Tom Kurtz

Dialysis - Home kidney dialysis was introduced

- Peter Higgs theorised how elementary particles are created with bosons

Drone Planes
- Widespread use of remotely piloted aircraft began during the Vietnam War with deployment of 1000
AQM-34 Ryan Firebees. The first model of these 29-ft.-long planes was developed in just 90 days

MOOG Synthesiser
- Robert Moog developed the first electronic music synthesizer

Supersonic Airliner
- The Russian Tupolev TU-144 became the first supersonic airliner

Colour Television - The 'Trinitron' colour TV tube was developed by Sony

UK Post Codes - Post codes were launched in London W1

Magnetic Stripe - Magnetic-stripe credit cards were introduced

Jacuzzi - Candido Jacuzzi invented and brought to market the first self-contained, fully integrated whirlpool bath

CCD - Charge Coupled Devices (CCDs) were used to capture images

Mammogram - The mammogram, the first x-ray machines used just for breast imaging, became available

IVF - The first in-vitro human egg fertilisation was achieved by Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards

Cell Phone - The first automatic analog cellular phone was made in the 1960's

Rocket Belt - Scientists developed a rocket belt for the US military that could lift its wearer nearly 60 feet off the ground

Thermal Printer - The thermal printer was invented by Texas Instruments

ATM - The world's first automatic cash dispenser (ATM) opened at Barclays, Enfield

Pulsar - The first Pulsar was discovered by Jocelyn Bell and Antony Hewish

UK Colour TV - Regular colour television broadcasting was officially launched by BBC2 beginning on 1st July 1967

Floppy Disk - IBM introduced the floppy disk

Integrated Circuit
- The first computer with integrated circuits was manufactured

RAM Memory
- Robert Dennard invented RAM (random access memory). T.J Watson (owner) and IBM developed and patented the first memory module called DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) which became the foundation for short term memory storage used by computers

Heart Transplant - Christiaan Neethling Barnard, a South African heart surgeon, developed surgical procedures for organ transplants, invented new heart valves, and performed the first human heart transplant on December 3rd, 1967, in a five-hour operation with a team of 20 surgeons

Beta Blocker - James Black saved millions of lives by inventing Beta Blockers

Etch A Sketch - First introduced to the US market 12th July 1960 and invented by André Cassagnes

Jump Jet - The Hawker-Siddeley VTOL P1127 'Harrier jump jet' made its first flight. Sidney Camm, Ralph Hooper, and Stanley Hooker invented a vertical take-off aircraft that could soar straight up into the sky. Rather than using rotors or a direct jet thrust, they built an innovative vectored thrust turbofan engine.

Seat Belt - The inertia seat belt was invented and marketed by Britax

Teflon - Teflon was patented

Cartridge Pen - The Parker 45 fountain pen was the first to take refill cartridges

Electronic Larynx - The electronic larynx - voice communication for people who could not talk - was developed

FAX - The Post Office experimented with facsimile mail - 'FAX'

Typewriter Golf Ball - The IBM Selectric “golf ball” typewriter was produced

Valium - Diazepam was patented in 1959 and launched in 1963

Creamer - Non-dairy creamer was developed

Electric Toothbrush - Electric toothbrushes were first introduced in 1960

Robot - The Unimate, the first programmable industrial robot, was developed by George Devol and Joseph Engelberger and installed on a General Motors assembly line in New Jersey

Communication Satellite - The first transatlantic communication satellite was put into orbit - Telstar

LED - Visible spectrum Light Emitting Diodes were created by Nick Holonyak Jr. of GEC in 1962

Space Observatory - The space observatory was created by Ball Brothers Aerospace Corporation

Hip Replacement - After repeated trials, John Charnley's hip replacement surgery became a reality

- Pantyhose became available

Self Service Petrol - The first self-service petrol station opened on London's Southwark Bridge

Colour Supplement - The Sunday Times became the first newspaper to print a colour supplement

Panda Crossing - Push-button 'Panda' road crossings were introduced

Limb Attachment - The first reattachment of a human limb was performed in 1962 at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston

Plastic Insulation - Plastic insulation for telephone lines was introduced

Videodisc - Phonovid, the first videodisc system, was marketed by Westinghouse Electric Corporation

Musicassette - In The Netherlands, Philips introduced the musicassette (compact music cassette)

Air Purifier - Klaus and Manfred Hammes introduced the first residential air purifiers, in Germany

Clone - Geneticist J.B.S. Haldane first coined the word 'clone'

Operating System - IBM’s OS/360 was the first mass-produced computer operating system

Family Planning - Family planning clinics start to provide un-married woman with contraceptives in the UK in 1964

Typewriter Tape - The IBM Selectric typewriter utilised reusable magnetic tape

Astroturf - A synthetic material that could be used to replace grass on sports surfaces, was invented by James M. Faria and Robert T. Wright of Monsanto Industries

Artficial Sweetener - NutraSweet, an artificial sweetener, was invented by Mr. James Schlatter, at G.D. Searle & Company

Hypertext - Hypertext was invented in the USA for linking electronic text

Portable Defibrillator - Frank Partridge invented the portable defibrillator, saving thousands of lives

Fuzzy Logic - Fuzzy logic was invented by Lofti Zadeh at the University of California

Fuel Injection - Electronic Fuel injection for cars was invented

High Yield Wheat - The International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines released a semi-dwarf, high-yield Indica variety that, in conjunction with high-yield wheat, ushered in the Green Revolution

Calculator - The first hand-held calculator was produced by Texas Instruments for sale to the public at $2,500 each

Breathalyser - The 'breathalyser' was first used on car drivers

Wine Box - The wine box, a plastic bag full of wine contained in a cardboard box, was invented in Australia

Light Pen - Light pen pens were invented for computers

Computer Mouse - The computer mouse was demonstrated by Douglas Engelbart in 1968

Pratley Putty - Pratley's famous glue became the only South African invention that has been to the moon. In 1969 the putty was used to hold bits of the Apollo XI mission's Eagle landing craft together. Krugersdorp engineer George Pratley invented his famous sticky stuff in the 1960s while looking for a glue that would hold components in an electrical box

Super 8 - Kodak offered the Super 8 format film for home movies

Contact Lens - Bausch and Lomb, a company that specializes in eye-contacts, developed soft contact lenses

Optical Disk - The compact optical disk was invented in 1958 by James Russell. A patent was registered by David Paul Gregg in 1961 and 1969

Kevlar - Kevlar was developed at DuPont by Stephanie Kwolek and Roberto Berendt

Baby Buggy - Owen MacLaren designed the double-joint baby buggy

Dental Implant - The first successful dental implants were made in 1965 by Dr. Per-Ingvar Branemark

Transistor Radio - Philips Electric launched the 'Popmaster' portable transistor radio

Fibre Optics - Fibre Optics were invented in the UK by Charles Keo and George Hockham

8 Track Recording - Trident Studios introduced 3M 8-track recording decks

Second Class Post - The two-tier postal system came into operation in the UK in 1968

Internet - The Arpanet (first internet) was developed for use by the US military

Artificial Heart - Doctor Denton Cooley implanted the first temporary artificial heart

Barcode - The barcode scanner was invented by Norman Joseph Woodland and Bernard Silver

PASCAL - The PASCAL computer language was developed by Niklaus Wirth. ALGOL W was released in 1970 as PASCAL

Colour Video Player - Sony introduced its Color Videoplayer (later known as Umatic) which used a three-quarter inch video cassette tape and had a maximum playing time of 90 minutes

Bubble Wrap - Bubble Wrap was invented in the USA by Marc A Chavannes

Respirator - A replacement for the Iron Lung was developed in the USA

Smoke Alarm - The first residential smoke alarm was designed by Randolph Smith and Kenneth House of BRK Electronics

Lava Lamp - The first lava lamp, The Astro, launched in 1963 by Edward Craven-Walker, founder of Mathmos

Fibroptics - In 1961, Elias Snitzer at American Optical published a comprehensive theoretical description of single mode fibres

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